Hello! If you actively use Pintrest, or browse DIY blogs, its likely that you've seen sharpie crafts. YAY SHARPIES! But really, they're a lot of fun and versatile. The most common sharpie craft you'll find are sharpie mugs and plates...but one day as I was browsing my local craft store, I found these ceramic tiles. DING! A light bulb went off...sharpie coasters! What! This is a really easy craft that is fun and creates something chic, and useful.
First off, all you need are a few select supplies. Ceramic coasters, felt guards (like for the bottom of furniture), rubbing alcohol, and sharpie paint markers.
These paint markers must be oil based, this goes for any ceramic sharpie project. If it is water based, it will wipe right off and all your hard work will be gone.
Before you begin your master doodling, soak a cotton ball, or paper towel, in the rubbing alcohol and wipe the coasters clean to remove any excess dirt. While the alcohol is drying do some practice doodles to decide what you want to do on your coasters. Do you like my monster fish? Next step is really simple...draw on your coasters! My gold was a little runny so I had to give it a few good shakes, and press the tip a couple times. Its a good idea to press on scrap paper to get the paint flowing.
While your coasters are drying cut up some felt guards for the base of your coasters.You can use pre-cut ones as well, or anything else that will prevent the coasters from making the awful "nails on chalkboard sound" or scratch your furniture. Make sure they are completely dry before flipping over the coasters; add a felt guard sticker to each corner.
TA-DA! My beautiful coasters laid out. You can do anything you want! Names of people, names of drinks, hearts, smiley faces, stick figures...what ever you want. Make it your own. I just used the twine from the original packaging to wrap it up. These would make a cute gift for a basket! But I will be keeping these for myself...tee-hee.